Our 2015 conference attracted 300 people from 6 states, 25 universities, 25 nonprofits, 50 companies, 90 Massachusetts communities, and more.
The Sponsors
The Exhibitors
- AE Intelligence Building energy performance assessment
- Antioch University Transformative education for passionate students
- Astrum Solar Turnkey solar solutions and energy savings
- BlueWave Capital Renewable energy project development
- Casella Resource Solutions Putting waste to work
- Clark University Dedicated to environmental sustainability, social justice, and economic well-being
- Conservation Solutions Corporation Energy and water efficiency professionals
- Devens EcoEfficiency Center Helping local businesses reduce their environmental impacts
- Devens Enterprise Commission Sustainable development and community planning
- DREAM Collaborative Imaginative green building design and urban renewal
- For Solutions Food, organics, and recycling solutions
- Fourth Generation Nursery Water in the landscape
- Good Energy Planning your community’s energy needs
- Great Sky Solar A local, employee-owned social benefit company
- GXT Green Packaging solutions that reduce environmental impacts
- Landry’s Bicycles Getting more people on bikes since 1922
- Mansfield Paper Earth-friendly products for home and work
- Marlboro College MBA in Managing Sustainability
- Massachusetts Department of Agriculture Supporting Massachusetts food safety and security
- Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources MA rates #1 in energy efficiency
- Mass Energy Consumers energy alliance for more affordable, cleaner energy
- National Grid Here with you. Here for you.
- Nexamp Solar energy solutions
- Next Step Living Home energy savings made easy
- New England Solar Hot Water Dedicated to solar hot water installations
- Northeast Organic Farming Association Caring about food, where it comes from, and how it’s grown
- Peregrine Energy Group Green municipal electric aggregation and building energy management
- Planet Aid Collecting and recycling used clothes and shoes and supporting development projects in some of the poorest parts of the world
- Princeton Power Systems Clean power made simple
- Recharged Solutions Supercharged internet results for small businesses
- Solar Design Associates Dedicated to renewable energy at home in Massachusetts and all over the world
- Transition Towns Grassroots community initiatives to build community resilience
- UMass Center for Rebuilding Sustainable Communities after Disasters Academic programs for professionals
- UMass Boston Center for Sustainable Enterprise and Regional Competitiveness College of Management program
- US Green Building Council Working to make our built environment more sustainable
The Conference
The annual Sustainable Communities and Campuses Conference connects stakeholders from communities, campuses, companies, and nonprofits. Everyone wanting to learn about best practices, current trends, and resources will find this conference timely, practical and valuable.
- Engage in cross-sector dialogues
- Learn about best practices and current trends
- Go home with knowledge and resources to advance community and campus sustainability
- Government: Municipal and state elected and non-elected officials and staff
- Education: University, college, training, K-12, staff, faculty and students
- Business: Owners and representatives
- Community: Non-profit group leaders and members
- Everyone interested in learning about sustainability
Leading experts and practitioners from communities, campuses, businesses, government, and non-profits
- Business products and services
- College certificate and degree programs
- Government agencies
- Non-Profit organizations
- Reduced printing, packaging and conference materials
- Zero Waste includes recycling and composting
- Carpooling assistance available
- Carbon offset for all conference travel and building energy is a donation to a Green Marlborough
- See more Green Event info
Benefit from advance registration: $60. Registration after March 19 is $75. Students are $45. Groups of 5 or more, $5 discount. Seniors are $60. Walk-ins if available, $90.
This registration fee covers keynote presentation, breakout sessions, exhibitors, lunch, breakfast, networking, and FREE book raffle. Advance registration is recommended as previous conferences have filled.
An advisory team of professionals representing communities, education, business, government and nonprofits; and an on-site conference team helped with this conference which was created and hosted by Green Workforce Training.
Click on presenter’s name to view PowerPoint presentations.
Registration 8:00 – 8:45 am
Breakfast (baked items, fruit, coffee)
Exhibits and Networking all day
Opening Panel Presentation 8:45 – 9:30 am
Advancing Sustainable Community Development
Significant opportunities, achievements and plans advance sustainability.
Peter Lowitt Director, Land Use Administration, Devens Enterprise Commission
Jon Mitchell Mayor of New Bedford
Alex Morse Mayor of Holyoke
David Narkewicz Mayor of Northampton
Catherine Tumber Author: Small, Gritty, and Green; The Promise of America’s Smaller Cities in a Low-Carbon World; Senior Research Associate, School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs, Northeastern University
Sessions 9:40 – 10:40 am
Municipal Leaders and Sustainability
City leaders champion policies, practices, and metrics of success.
David Narkewicz Mayor of Northampton
Dean Mazzarella Mayor of Leominster
Patrice Garvin Town Administrator of Shirley
Local Land Preservation
A successful land conservation strategy includes preserving large green corridors for walking and biking trails; it requires vision, advocacy, and an abiding love of nature.
Bob Wilber Land Conservation Director, Mass Audubon
Marcia Rasmussen Planning Division Director, Town of Concord
Larry Anderson Author of Benton MacKaye: Conservationist, Planner, and Creator of the Appalachian Trail
Sustainability Tours
A virtual tour of three campuses show award-winning energy and food initiatives.
Ezra Small Sustainability Manager, UMass Amherst
Christine Copeland Renewable Energy Program Assistant, Greenfield Community College
Judith Underwood Environmental and Renewable Energy Program Coordinator, Cape Cod Community College
Curricula for Community Sustainability
Exceptional curricula, programs for sustainable urban environments, and extraordinary student projects exist.
Jane Amidon Associate Dean, Professor and Director, Urban Landscape Program, Northeastern University
Karen Hynick Vice President, Academic Affairs, North Shore Community College
Adrian Dahlin Admissions Director, The Conway School of Sustainable Landscape Planning and Design
Keila Sabino Program Coordinator, Center for Rebuilding Sustainable Communities after Disasters, UMass Boston
Thought and Practice: A More Sustainable American Dream
What do global-supply-chain transparency and tiny-house living have in common? They offer more sustainable living choices to consumers.
Leonardo Bonanni Visiting Scientist, MIT Media Lab; Founder/CEO, Sourcemap
Jess Belhumer-Sullivan and Dan Sullivan Tiny House Builder, Resident, and Blogger: LivingInATinyHouse
Walking Tour: Devens Sustainability Highlights
Have a first-hand look at sustainable development in Devens: low-impact storm water management, green buildings, renewable energy, and transportation. Learn about local regulations and guidelines that helped “green” Devens development.
Neil Angus Environmental Planner, Devens Enterprise Commission
Exhibits, Networking 10:40 – 11:00 am
Sessions 11:00 am – noon
Community Energy
Hear updates on Massachusetts communities: micro grids, green municipal electric aggregation, net zero energy, energy-data transparency, community solar, and resources.
Lisa Capone Acting Director, MA DOER Green Communities Division
Steven Strong President, Solar Design Associates
Chris Mason Energy and Sustainability Officer, Northampton
Susanne Rasmussen Director of Environmental and Transportation Planning, Cambridge
Green Buildings and Neighborhoods
Buildings are our largest consumer of energy and materials. Designing better neighborhoods lays a foundation for more sustainable living. Net positive energy homes produce more energy than they consume in an average year.
Greg Minott Architect, DREAM Collaborative
Carter Scott President, Transformations Inc
Grey Lee Executive Director, US Green Building Council, Massachusetts
College Town Partnerships
Hear from leaders who are bridging community and campus initiatives that lead to both workforce and sustainable development.
Stephanie Ciccarello Sustainability Coordinator, Amherst
Shirley Mark Director, Community Partnerships, Jonathan M. Tisch College of Citizenship and Public Service, Tufts University
Corey Dolgon Director, Community-Based Learning, Stonehill College
Campus as Learning Lab
Four students describe their exceptional projects on campuses and in communities.
Nelle Ward Graduate ’14, The Conway School Project: Green Streets Guide for Holyoke
Marie Macchiarolo Graduate ’14, The Conway School Project: Food in the City
Kelly Rusch Student, UMass Lowell Project: Composting on Campus
Betsy Byrum Student, Tufts University Project: Transportation
Sustainability on Main Street
Hear about community initiatives, partnerships, and advocacy. Groundwork Lawrence leads environmental and open space improvements, healthy food access programs, youth education, employment initiatives, and community programs in Lawrence. HEET weatherized thousands of buildings and led the Squeaky Leak Project to map natural gas leaks on public streets. Boston Climate Action Network (BCan) is taking action for climate justice. Transition Towns are engaging people to build community resilience.
Lesly Medina Community Programs Director, Groundwork Lawrence
Audrey Schulman President, Home Energy Efficiency Team (HEET)
Mike Prokosch Co-Coordinator, Boston Climate Action Network (BCAN)
Tina Clarke Trainer, Transition Towns Network & Transition US
Walking Tour: Devens Eco-Industrial Park – A Landscape of Sustainability
Take a walking tour of Devens to learn about limiting environmental impacts of development and embedding green building features into projects. See for yourself the changes 20 years of sustainable development have brought to Devens.
Peter Lowitt Director, Land Use Administration, Devens Enterprise Commission
Exhibits, Lunch, Roundtable Discussions noon – 1:00 pm
Sessions 1:00 – 2:00 pm
Water and Storm Water Management
Hear about historical changes, water infrastructure trends towards efficiency, and local storm water management solutions.
Marcis Kempe Executive Director, Metropolitan Waterworks Museum; retired Senior Water Manager at MWRA
Ed Himlan Executive Director, Mass Watershed Coalition; Leominster Storm Water project
Rip Sokol President, Fourth Generation Nursery
Local Food: Vision and Practices
Learn about research, policies and practices for a more sustainable food system in New England, such as: carbon sequestration, a community farm, and the New England Food Vision.
Julie Rawson Executive Director, Northeast Organic Farming Association of Massachusetts
Clem Clay Executive Director, Grow Food Northampton
Karen Spiller Network Team member of Food Solutions New England
Faculty Research
What motivates our emotional attachment to places? How would students address sustainability challenges on campus? Hear from faculty and authors exploring challenges and solutions.
Justin Hollander Associate Professor, UEP, Tufts University; Co-Author: Cognitive Architecture
Ann Sussman Architect, Co-Author: Cognitive Architecture
Vesela Veleva Co-Director, Center for Sustainable Enterprise, College of Management, UMass Boston
Community Career Pathways
Special career pathways make our physical environment more sustainable and downtown businesses thrive. Hear about technical high schools and MA community college career development initiatives.
Gretchen Manning Deputy Director, Massachusetts Community Colleges
Sheila Harrity Superintendent, Montachusett Regional Vocational Technical School
The Media and Local Sustainability
The media has an important role in our communities. It can provide transparency and access to information, and actively engage the public in reporting community news.
Jeff Inglis Journalist; Policy Analyst, The Frontier Group
Dan and Marilyn Brielmann Co-Producers, E-Awakening
Walking Tour: Net Zero Home Neighborhood
Visit a nearby net zero energy neighborhood where homes produce more energy than they consume during the course of a year. Hear from a renown builder who created this neighborhood and several others in Massachusetts.
Carter Scott President, Transformations, Inc.
Exhibits, Networking 2:00 – 2:30 pm
Sessions 2:30 – 3:30 pm
Community Materials Management
Good materials management begins at the community level. Learn about a large commercial composting facility in Marlborough, The Great Exchange which repurposes over 50 tons of materials annually in Devens, and Casella’s waste-streams-to-resources solutions on campuses and in communities throughout the Northeast.
Liza Casella Manager, Business Development, Casella Resource Solutions
Dona Neely Executive Director, Devens Eco-Efficiency Center
Multi-Modal Transportation
Should we invest in highways? bike lanes? walking routes? mass transportation? Mobility is evolving and communities are striving to keep up.
Joshua Ostroff Outreach Director, Transportation Massachusetts; Chair, Natick Board of Selectmen; former chair, Massachusetts Municipal Association
Galen Mook Staff Member, Mass Bikes; Marketing and Advocacy, Landry’s Bikes
Our exhibitors will briefly introduce themselves and resources that help us live more sustainably. Enjoy networking after the introductions.
Environment and Health
The health of the community depends on the health of the environment. Learn about public health assessments, community investigations, and legislation for environmental protection and toxics reduction.
Jamie Eldridge State Senator, Massachusetts
Dalene LaPointe Senior Environmental Analyst, Department of Public Health, Massachusetts
MaryBeth Smuts Regional Toxicologist, EPA Region 1 New England
Walking Tour: Devens Common Center
Tour the Devens Common Center with the Operating Manager to learn about sustainability features of the conference center and nearby hotel.
John Mehlmann True North Hotel Group, Devens Area Manager
Exhibits, Networking 3:30 – 4:30 pm
END 4:30
NOTE: Walking tours begin and end at the Devens Common (Conference) Center.